2012-10-19 18:44:00

Dan kravate

Jučer, 18. listopada 2012. obilježili smo Dan kravate i naučili nešto novo o povijesti kravate.

Nazivi kravate na raznim europskim jezicima:

hrvatski – kravata srpski - kravata mađarski - kravat engleski - cravat (neck-tie) velški - crafat irski - carabhat talijanski - cravatta španjolski - corbata filipinski - korbata portugalski - gravata baskijski - gorbata švedski - kravatt finski - kravatti flamanski - krawaat danski - Kravata nizozemski - Kravata norveški - Krawatt njemački - Krawatte švedski - krawatt estonski - kravata poljski - krawat ukrajinski - kravatka                         češki - kravata                                   Lijepo nas je bilo vidjeti skockane           slovački - kraváta                                         na nastavi taj dan :) slovenski - kravata grčki - gravata (γραβάτα)                POGLEDAJTE FOTOGRAFIJE!!! albanski: kravatë rumunjski - cravată turski - Kravat


The Neck Tie-Cravat

(Cravat comes from Croat = Hrvat)

As millions around the world dress to go to work each day or to go out for the evening, most probably do not realize that a major accessory of their wardrobe originated in Croatia. The necktie, or cravat (Croatian: kravata), is Croatia's contribution to the world of fashion.

The use of the necktie in Croatia dates back to as early as the mid-1600s. During the European Thirty Year War (1618-1648), Croatian soldiers were also drawn into battle and sent to fight in various regions of Europe. At that time, the traditional Croatian military dress included a picturesque scarf tied around the neck in a manner which is very similar to the style in which the necktie is worn today. Croatian mercenaries were rough-and-ready fellows, but they did not neglect the decorative arts: they wore colorful neckwear. The word "'cravat" is derived from the word “Croat” and neckties are descended from what those Croatians wore.

It is unclear why those Croatians excited so much imitation. Because some Croatian soldiers were stationed in Paris, this "Croatian style" greatly impressed their French counterparts. French men adopted this new fashion during the reign of Louis XIV and referred to it as "a la Croate". Eventually, it became known by the French word "cravate". The tie entered the bourgeois fashion of that era as a sign of cultivation and elegance and went on to conquer the whole of Europe.

As the court of Louis XIV was a trendsetter in culture and fashion, the use of the "'cravate" became wide- spread across Europe, with each country adopting a slightly altered word in their own language.

NAMES FOR THE NECKTIE (CRAVAT) AROUND THE WORLD: Hungarian: Kravat, English: Cravat-Neck Tie, Portuguese: Cravata, Croatian: Kravata, Polish: Krawat, German: Krawatte, Italian: Cravatta, French: Cravate, Spanish: Corvatta.

Today, men across the entire civilized world tie knots in neckties in every imaginable color and made from a wide array of materials from silk to burlap. Unlike many fashions, which fade or disappear over time, the necktie has retained its popularity for hundreds of years and is still considered a basic item of most men's wardrobes, rather than just a decorative accessory.

Osnovna škola "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" Beli Manastir